Current Status of 5G

5th generation mobile network technology has the potential to change how industries all the way to households interact with and use with data wirelessly. The target markets for 5G networks are transport, health, and manufacturing industries as 5G technology will provide significant benefits and ultimately transforming how these industries conduct business. The providers of 5G are working together and challenging each other in efforts to make 5G a legitimate reality. China and the U.S are frontrunners for implementing massive 5G networks. ATT and Verizon have both been major players in the initial development of 5G in the United States.Verizon currently provides households 5G wireless home service in a few area small areas in cities around the U.S. ATT is working at a similar pace where 12 mobile hotspots have been built across the U.S. 5G connections can only be transmitted around 100m in each direction as they are susceptible to disruption. This proves to be a major roadblock. In order for 5G to gain a major presence (similar to that of 4G) in the United States, transmitters will have to be placed in close proximity to one another. The pursuit for national-level 5G will be dependent on ISPs of all tiers (national-local) to work together in effort to progress towards a full deployment of next generation service.

The network of 5G can be applied to machine-machine communication where driverless cars, smart cities, and automation become possible across a commercial scale, but; these are opportunities to only those with the strong and stable countries. Developing countries will struggle to experience the benefits of 5G as 5G is reliant on a sound infrastructure. Developed countries like China and the United States have invested heavily for many of years in tech infrastructure will most-likely pose a very significant advantage.

The health industry is currently testing wearable devices that are capable of using 5G. The usage of wearables can ultimately provide considerable cost reductions to companies while making the management of health issues much simpler. In the case of the transport industry, advanced wireless connections will create opportunities by enabling the usage of driverless vehicles. Companies plan on utilizing driverless vehicles and will be able to significantly reduce labor costs by shifting their needs from manual transport towards automatic transport.

“5G is such a technologically important leap forward – Without it the future smart cities we dream about where everything is connected simply wouldn’t be possible.”